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Rural Entrepreneur | Vocational Qualification in Agriculture

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Competence area of Agriculture, Rural Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs who have selected the competence area of agriculture know how to work in various types of rural enterprises. They have extensive basic knowledge regarding how to keep land fertile and the factors that affect plant growth. They possess good technical skills and know how to use and take care of the machinery and equipment necessary for their work. Depending on their choices, they know how to manage production animals and promote their welfare, pursue forestry methodically, serve customers, or use and plan the production technology and the building stock of their enterprise.

We have a modern teaching farm; new robo barn, modern agricultural machinery, well-being center for dogs and different domestic animals.
The practice periods are done on our teaching farm and/or on other farms.
Basic working clothes are provided by the school.
As a rural entrepreneur you can work in various occupations in the agricultural sector, such as farmer, farm animal caretaker, , agricultural shops and companies providing interlacing, working, machinery, bioenergy and landscape maintenance services as an entrepreneur or employee.

When applying use only the application: “Hae koulutukseen jatkuvassa haussa”
(Apply for training in the continous applicaton process)

Vuoksi Student association has a game room at the campus. The Student Association organizes also different events during the year.

Kauhajoki town
Vuoksi Campuses are located close to the Kauhajoki town center.
Kauhajoki town is situated in southern Ostrobothnia. With its dynamic and thriving business community, Kauhajoki is the second largest town in the Province of Western Finland in terms of land area. The population is approximately 14 000.

Kauhajoki is known for its beautiful nature. Two national parks, Lauhanvuori – Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark, and the magnificent landscape of the Hyypänjokilaakso river valley will inspire any visitor to pause and admire the diversity of nature. The boundless expanse of the Ostrobothnia lowlands is a breathtaking sight.
Kauhajoki has a wide range of training and educational institutes offering general, vocational, and tertiary education.

More information on Kauhajoki:
Kauhajoki town
Suupohja region

Accommodation is not provided. We co-operate with Kauhajoki Town rental apartments and help you organizing accommodation. The costs are around 150€-300€/month.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment