Logo of Petäjävesi High School

YlioppilastutkintoHigh school

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General high school program suits students who do not want to specialize yet and want to keep their options open for the future.

General high school program usually lasts for three years but you can compete it also in four years if you want. At your final year you will take final exams on the subjects that you choose.

By studying general high school program you will learn subjects like math, economics, sports, geography and many more.

Programme structure

Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, French, German

Natural sciences and humanities: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy, religion, psychology, history, geography, social studies and health education

Others: art, sports and music

Some of the courses are mandatory. Your timetable depends on the voluntary courses you choose to study.

Detailed curriculum:

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment