Logo of Joroisten High School

Matriculation degreeGeneral High School

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Applications open from 22.02. – 23.03.2022, please visit opintopolku.fi/joroistenlukio

Programme structure

In our high school you can study, for example:

Entrepreneurship 12 ects

Languages (if enough people choose a language):
Russian 16 ects, Japanese 16 ects, French 16 ects
German 16 ects, Latin 6 ects

If you are interested in golf, it is possible to complete green gard free of charge. In addition to this, there are plenty of elective courses in discgolf and floorball in the sport

In addition, all normal Finnish high school studies e.g.
Advanced mathematics 29 ects
Physics 16 ects
Psychology 11 ects
More information and the high school curriculum can be found here:
Joroinen High School

In the spring, at the end of April, all interested second year students can take part in a two-week Eurotour with bus. A typical (note route can change yearly) route can be found on this map . Funding for the trip is collected e.g. selling products, working, depositing monthly money.
The average price of the trip has been 850 € / passenger. The accommodation is of a good hostel standard and the school teachers are also staying in the same accommodation.

Career opportunities

University opportunities
High school students have continued their postgraduate studies e.g. Master of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Engineering, Psychology, Business and Science.

Typical universities are the University of Jyväskylä, Aalto University, the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Lappeenranta

Career opportunities
During their studies, some of our students have an opportunity to work at the local salad and herb greenhouse Famifarm Ltd, Järvikylä (jarvikyla.fi). In addition, there is a big need for
seasonal workers on the nearby farms in the spring and summer.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment