Logo of Kinnula High School

Finnish Matriculation Degree

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Kinnula High School is located in Central Finland, about 150 kilometres north of Jyväskylä. The town of Kinnula is surrounded by clean lakes, unpolluted forests and beautiful nature. The school building has recently been renovated and offers great facilities for studying. The municipal library is situated in the school campus.The school staff includes ten qualified teachers, a student counsellor and a school nurse. All the high school students receive a laptop, digital studying material and school books in the beginning of their studies. The school also serves a free lunch on every school day.

The school day usually starts at 8.15am and ends at 3.00 pm. After school it is possible to take part in various activities, including indoor and outdoor sports, lessons in music, handicraft, arts etc. There is also a youth house in the the town centre to spend time together. Next to the youth house there is a tennis court, a Finnish baseball field, a beach volley court, a disc golf course and a football field. In the town centre there is also a public swimming area outdoors and an indoor swimming pool. In addition, there is an ice rink and skiing trails for winter hobbies.

When it comes to accommodation, it is possible to stay in a host family first (no expenses) and then live in a flat on one´s own or share a flat with another exchange student. At the moment host families are being looked for and they will be committed to accommodating a student for a minimum of three months. After this, the school will help the students to find an affordable flat, the rent being around 160-200 € per month.

On the graduation day, the students who have performed well in their studies, are awarded financial scholarships by the school and various organizations.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment