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Mechanical Fitter & Plater-welder | Vocational Qualification in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology


Competence area in Assembly and Automation, Mechanical Fitter
Mechanical fitters can assemble and install mechanical machines and equipment. They are able to carry out machine installations in the correct order and using the correct methods with the help of work instructions and drawings. Mechanical fitters are able to inspect the parts and components that are to be installed, carry out the required checks and adjustments and do the required documentation. They are familiar with the structures and operation of machines and equipment, are able to use materials and different assembly methods appropriately and safely in their work. Mechanical fitters area able to apply mechanics, hydraulics, and pneumatics in their work. They are able to install machines and equipment, service them, and participate in the introduction and repairs of equipment.

Mechanical fitters work in tasks involving installation and assembling of different mechanical equipment and machines in industry, repair shops or the customer’s facilities. They work as part of production by carrying out assemblies, installing individual parts, or machine parts and by participating in servicing and maintenance tasks. Installation work may be serial work or include fault detection and changing even large components.

Competence area in Production Technology, Plater-welder
Plater-welders can plan and do plate work, welding, and work on metal structures according to drawings, using modern manufacturing methods. They can plan the order of the different work stages of the manufacturing process and use the materials, machines, equipment, and methods of the field appropriately and safely in their work. They have acquired the competencies and passed the tests required for their occupation. They are also responsible for the quality of the product they have manufactured and the correct controls and operation of the machines they use.
Plater-welders weld, shape and join plates. They work as part of production in which different objects are manufactured from steel according to work drawings and instructions. Their work tasks include work such as different kinds of welding tasks and cutting and bending plates.

Plater-welders work in the metal industry in the manufacture of plate pieces and welded pieces, making different steel structures or their components.

For more information:
Mechanical Fitter

When applying use only the application: “Hae koulutukseen jatkuvassa haussa”
(Apply for training in the continous applicaton process)

Vuoksi Student association has a game room at the campus (billiard, ping pong, darts, table football). The Student Association organizes also different events during the year.

Kauhajoki town
Vuoksi Campuses are located close to the Kauhajoki town center.
Kauhajoki town is situated in southern Ostrobothnia. With its dynamic and thriving business community, Kauhajoki is the second largest town in the Province of Western Finland in terms of land area. The population is approximately 14 000.
Kauhajoki is known for its beautiful nature. Two national parks, Lauhanvuori – Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark, and the magnificent landscape of the Hyypänjokilaakso river valley will inspire any visitor to pause and admire the diversity of nature. The boundless expanse of the Ostrobothnia lowlands is a breathtaking sight.

More information on Kauhajoki:
Kauhajoki town
Suupohja region

Accommodation is not provided. We co-operate with Kauhajoki Town rental apartments and help you organizing accommodation. The costs are around 150€-300€/month.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment