Logo of Vuoksi Vocational Education College

Software Developer in Game Industry | Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology

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The main focus of software developer training in the game industry is working on various game projects. During the training, you will learn the different stages of the game production process, such as scriptwriting, graphic design, coding, 3D modeling, and game implementation, as well as the use of different development environments. The work of a software developer combines logical thinking and creativity. The training gives you the readiness to be placed in diverse positions in the growing gaming industry.

The most typical jobs in the industry are concept designer, game designer, game developer, programmer, system specialist and product marketer.

For more information:
Software Developer

Vuoksi has well equipped classrooms with laptops, desktops and tablets.
Vuoksi Student association has a game room at the campus (billiard, ping pong, darts, table football). The Student Association organizes also different events during the year.

Kauhajoki Town
Vuoksi Campuses are located close to the Kauhajoki town center.
Kauhajoki town is situated in southern Ostrobothnia. With its dynamic and thriving business community, Kauhajoki is the second largest town in the Province of Western Finland in terms of land area. The population is approximately 14 000.

Kauhajoki is known for its beautiful nature. Two national parks, Lauhanvuori – Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark, and the magnificent landscape of the Hyypänjokilaakso river valley will inspire any visitor to pause and admire the diversity of nature. The boundless expanse of the Ostrobothnia lowlands is a breathtaking sight.

More information on Kauhajoki:
Kauhajoki town
Suupohja region

Accommodation is not provided. We co-operate with Kauhajoki Town rental apartments and help you organizing accommodation. The costs are around 150€-300€/month.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment